Are you hoping to launch a new business that will help you turn your dreams into reality? Are you struggling to get the funding necessary to get your venture off the ground? We have listed the best ways to raise investment.

In addition to traditional business loans, there are a few innovative ways to raise investment for a new business. We have listed some below:

Raise Investment by finding an Angel Investor

An angel investor is an individual who is always searching for the next great business idea that they could invest their money in. Many of today’s biggest brands were funded initially by angel investors, who are willing to give you the investment that you need to get your business up and running or take it to the next level. In return, however, you may have to let the angel investor have a share of equity (LINK) in your company. We have in our Members only INVESTMENT HUB Upgrade a list of Angel Investors which is upgraded every quarter.

Try Online Crowdfunding – Equity

With crowdfunding, you basically use the Internet to connect with people from around the world who may be interested in what you have to offer.

Contrary to popular knowledge, crowdfunding online isn’t just for creative projects, non-profits, and student projects. Many smart entrepreneurs are learning to use crowdfunding to get their company and their products off the ground.

Building your page on one of the many crowd funding platforms is an easy process. You will need to give all the background information on your brand to entice people to donate to your project. Best of all, you can even offer perks for various donation amounts, further encouraging people to secure you funds. We use because they specialise in Technology platforms.

raise investment

How Pre-Sales can help Investment into your business?

If you have a proven model that you can demonstrate Sales/Traction and Partnership this is favourable to Investors.

Gateway2Entreprise is an Investment Hub organisation that operates within SME sector. For further information please check our website If you are looking to invest your money and considering that next ‘BIG IDEA’ especially in Technology or Fintech our ‘SANDPIT’ then as our Avatar is Angel Investment Venture Capital and USA Family offices please feel to log in to see our Summer Investment Portfolio 2018 updated monthly.