Startup accelerators, also known as seed accelerators, are fixed-term, cohort-based programs, that include mentorship and workshops/programs and have access to Pitch Events and Investors. Highly competitive to access. We have included those we endorse across UK and globally. I have worked in many of these Programs over the last 10 years across the UK and Europe for advise or follow up.
We belong to the UKBAA who support most of the UK Angel Networks. An angel network is a group of angel investors who have organized to invest collectively, operate more effectively and provide mutual support. Angel networks are also known as angel groups and some in the UK are more ACTIVE than others. They often have open ‘PITCH EVENTS’ where you can showcase your business or attend Investor Events.
Can be – family friends – credit cards - start up loans Using Cash injection from another venture There are minimum Grants available throughout the UK though some Accelerator Programs offer a Seed Grant Fund.
Companies such as Google, Qualcomm, Comcast, Dell, Microsoft, Nokia, and Intel all have professional active venture arms. This is an important development for entrepreneurs and startups, as these corporate venture arms can invest significant capital and provide substantial assistance to a startup or business that has potential growth.

We have worked in this space for the past 4 years in the UK and going forward or 2018 will work with Crowd Cube as a Partner (Matt needs their link only) Equity Crowd Funding is the process whereby people (i.e. the 'crowd') invest in an early-stage unlisted company in exchange for shares in that company. A shareholder has partial ownership of a company and stands to profit should the company do well. Please note: You need to raise the first 30% yourself from your own network. I now use this model alongside sometimes to raise Equity as a PR exercise to make some noise and create awareness. In 2017 we have numerous successes with this model – please see our 2014-2017 Deal Flow. Matt We need to add our DEAL FLOW document here do you have it?

This is a private organisation that manages the investments for a single wealthy family. The assets are the family's own wealth, often accumulated over many family generations. They tend to work with UNW UHNW or SHNW and we have seen more Family Offices OPEN to even investing in early stage businesses.
This type of equity and one of the asset classes consisting of equity securities and debt in operating companies that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange. ... A private equity investment will generally be made by a private equity firm, a venture capital firm or an angel investor. This type of investment is for higher raises and made to take control of your company.
We will not being sharing these on this platform and ONLY with Clients. These tend to be Entrepreneurs and Company Directors that have exited or retired looking for that next ‘BIG DEAL’ we send them our Monthly ‘DEAL FLOW’ Investment Opportunities through private email to view privately. Some are looking for a ‘SMART’ investment opportunity ie where they can add value with their skills and knowledge and others just a quick return on a business that is ‘scalable’ and can offer higher returns than normal avenues of investment.
Syndicates can be a VC fund created to make a single investment. They are led by experienced investors, and financed by institutional investors and sophisticated angels. Syndicates are private. Investors can participate by applying to back a lead or investing in a fund. We find that Women Angel Investors are more likely to form a Syndicate and there are several active within the UK.
Start up companies with a potential to grow and Scale quickly that have ‘proof of concept’ and traction/sales/clients that have gone through at least ½ rounds of seed funding. Wealthy Investors like to invest their capital in such businesses with a long-term growth perspective and are prepared in the UK to wait 8-10 years for their return whereas in the USA it more 10-15 years depending on the industry. This capital is known as venture capita and the investors are called venture capitalists. Pease note: VC’s spend more time on Due Diligence –time consuming and can take between 3/6 months. Will jump in at Seed stage though tend to be in at £1m which is Series A raise. Works well with Angel Investment. Consider your equity on offer for this type of Investment as most want more than 30%.